Monday, June 24, 2013

Update, Developments, Musito O tswelaa pele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AYEEYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is with pleasure to announce that one will continue writting and do what one loves the best without being questions as to why.

As from Next month, you will learn as to why a Patriotic Front Spirit will have to revive and why we need to challenge 2014 NPE as a united front in challenging the misdemons we see every day done by those we have elected to run things on our behalf but have decided to do their own things. Some of the reports will try to cover as to why as a united force we can be able to take control over those that continue to use our dole for their personal enrinchment as detailed in the past blogs. The intention of this is let truth be told, let us expose those who are involved in corruption and are responsible for the social ills that we face as the nation.

Please feel free to comment on the blog, and as for the e-mails that I recived concerning the content of this blog, do like wise as well and will be looking forward to get your opinions.

Today, we officially republished all the blogs that were closed by someone who managed to gain access to my system, I have managed to fix that one and will continue educating the ordinary people internally and globally as to my opinions, you will have to note that must of the blogs could not be published due to the above mentioned challenge.

Musito o tswela plele