Thursday, April 18, 2013

Grade 5 rhymes with their own names........

The grade 5 teacher one day asked the children in her
class to make rhymes with their own names.

 First  up was Dan. A very adventures' child.

 My  name is Dan,
 When  I grow up to be a man,
 I  want to go to India and Japan,
 If  I can, If I can, If I can.

 Very  good she said to Dan.

 She then told Sally that it now was her turn.

 My  name is Sally,
 When  I grow up to be a lady,
 I  want to have a baby
 If  I can, if I can, if I can.

That  is good Sally, she said. But maybe one day you
will change your mind.

 Next  up was Juju - he was the naughty one in the

 My  name is Juju,
 When  I grow up to be a man,
 Never  mind India and Japan,
 I'm gonna help Sally with her plan,
 I  know I can.


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