Friday, November 16, 2012

Don't you dare deny it..... unless you were born in Hillbrow and grew up in the northern suburbs…

Don't  you dare  deny it..... unless you were born in Hillbrow and grew up in the northern suburbs…

 1. In the bathroom: You know your mom had an old sack
from either oranges, onions or squashes hanging up in
 there...and she'd scrub you like it was going out of fashion.

 2. In the bathroom: If y'all didn't have the sack
 than you must have had an old grey stone...and you knew your knees and
 elbows were in trouble as soon as you got back home from playing outside!

. In the bedroom: You had a kist, don't act like you don't
 know, and it was full of old blankets and nasty silk bedding your
 moms only brought out when she had special visitors.

. In the kitchen: Speaking of special visitors, your moms
 had special cups and saucers and teapots that were only used when
 visitors came over. When there weren't any visitors y'all were using the cheap
 yellow, blue or green enamel cups and plates.

In the kitchen: You'd be sent to go buy "Choice Assorted" and
 Tennis biscuits ko-spaza when visitors came over.

 Oh, and don't forget the Krest Ginger Ale...

. In the sitting room: Your mom had doilies on every
 arm-rest and head rest...and you still had the plastic covering
 the couches...and your legs or face would stick to them if you
 sat on them too long.

In the TV room: Don't pretend y'all didn't have them
 bunny ear aerials...and your folks would make you walk around the TV
 holding the thing high in the air until you got the right signal.

On the veranda: if you were lucky you didn't have a
 stoep (but somehow it seems every darkie family eventually built a
 stoep either outside the kitchen or front door) and that thing was
 either black or red and you had to polish it with Sunbeam and those huge
 brushes and pantyhose. Eish

. In the dining room: if your family had a bigger house
 you always had those ceramic dogs, you know them...the cream white
 ones with gold trimmings...and the squint eyes. If you didn't have those
 then you must have had those long sausage dog door/ wind stop
 leather dogs. You know them, the ones with the floppy ears that would be
 behind every darkies kitchen or front door...

On the walls: you had one of those generic pictures of
 the naked black woman holding a child or the one of a black woman
 with one tear coming down her face. You know EXACTLY which pictures I'm
 talking about do you remember those copper looking decorations cleaned
 with Brass o?

 What about the Picture of "Jesus and his disciples having the last supper" and a lil prayer on the wall?

 The picture with the baby crying !

 The picture with the a half naked African man and woman?
The picture ya Mpho le Mphonyana?


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