Saturday, October 19, 2013

WHAT IS 2+2?

WHAT IS 2+2?

The whole situation seems like a student in class who knows the subject more than a teacher. The teacher tells the class that 2+2 is 22 and everyone in class accepts this except one student who knows that the correct answer is 4. Must he keep quite or inform other students that the correct answer is 4. In most of the cases it is recommended that the learner should just keep his opinion to him/her self than telling the class what is right or wrong.

That's the story of SA systems, what's needed is expects who are able to call a spade a spade not a fork. In some cases one listens to those who speak in fork-tongs, even if they waffle, because listening is a skill, you just listen. It was so bad to have mandated the kind of leadership that is not abreast with the content of the responsibility to lead the nation into a non-racial and democratic state. We have leaders who seem to know it all but know nothing when looking at the performance presented.

Ministers are unable to understand the mandates given, let alone know what the legislation of their departments mean, how will they know how to come up with practical strategies that will implement policies? Ever since cut and paste was introduced, we have people who have mastered in this field and are in leadership positions, everyone is cutting and pasting and no longer have innovators. It is strange that in our lifetime, we no longer have leaders who invent practical solutions that benefits the rest of the community in meeting the challenges that we face as a nation.

In the research by Project Findafinda, it is noted that as a nation we have moved from a bad hot pan to worse firing coal fire. This is by comparing the gains achieved since 1994 to today. Do we accept that colonialism has brainwashed the nation to accept things that are wrong to continue because of power control. Looking at NP system, jobs were looking for people to build roads, in E-Toll system people are looking for jobs to pay for the toll gates to employment.

Does that mean that the apartheid system even though it was inhuman and unjust was better of compared to the ANC freedom system? There must something wrong with this, we would be giving credits to Malan, Botha or Verwoed than Tambo, Mandela, Sisulu, Sobukwe, Nokwe, Biko or Hani. What then went wrong? Greed, corruption, lack of taking responsibility, misunderstanding of our constitutional democracy, capitalism and mixed economic systems aimed at the few selected elite class and lack of interpretation and implementation of policies aimed at benefiting the entire community of South Africa.

But then why will poor people believe that apartheid was better than their own government? Did the ANC led government have proper plans in place in addressing challenges raised in the ready to govern discussion document? What led to previous policies to fail? Why did the mandates of the Freedom Charter fell when ANC took power from the NP government? Will NDP work after 2014 if previous policies failed without a clear indication as to why these policies failed?

My take, SA is not a developed country, as long as there are informal settlements; NDP has failed already to me. Most of the previous plans failed because leaders aimed to gain popularity and sacrificed the intentions of the goals of democracy. BBBEE will never create job opportunities, but it will create corruption practice. It will create a few rich elite individuals such as Ramaphosa, Ramphela, Sexwale, Motsepe, Macozoma, and all those who have benefited from the system. Has this improved the lifestyle of ordinary citizens? We have compared Abu Dabhi system to our system in this research and have learn that 20 years is enough to create a better life for all if leaders serve the people. Education system will create poor leaders who are not able read policies they are tasked to implement. Police will earn peanuts and be monkeys of drug dealers and criminals.

If we look at the RDP for example, it was a policy document crafted by ANC cadres, intellectuals, business people, the broader members of the community, NGOs, churches, students, and so on. It is still one of the best policy document ever created by all South Africans with passion and dedication and would have been the best policy if it was given enough time. This policy was unfortunately killed before its time expired.

What is 2+2? I was told that when you take two cow out of the crawl, and take the other two you have four, but now our children are forced to accept that 2+2 is 22. We have Ministers who have destroyed the who system that was there and was working for the people, now we have greed, corruption, moral decay under the leadership of false promises. It is time that the electorate hold those politicians accountable by means of using the rule of law. Should people wait for elections before justice can prevail in this country? It is time that leaders account to their actions and the entire ANC leadership comes up and condemn all unjust actions done. Do we then policies, flaws within the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996, or should we blame those entrusted in checking and balancing the rule of law?

After 1999, a new administration came on board under the leadership of President Thabo Mbeki. He came on board with a new plan for South Africa based on his vision and ambitions to create a better society. I am of the opinions that this plan was premature even though it was also one of the best plans ever been. The timing for a new plan was not right, because RDP had to be given enough time to fulfill its goals and objectives.

Today 19 years later, we still have a backlog in terms of addressing the social ills of creating human settlements (access to housing and land opportunities) for the poor people. These are the building blocks of fighting poverty and addressing social injustices created by the apartheid government without oppressing other racial groups as envisaged by leaders like OR Tambo, Gwala, Nzo, Mhlaba, and Mbeki. Not enough time is given to some of these projects to be effective and practical to some of those who do not understand how these policies should be implemented. We were fast in trying to achieve a lot in a short space of time, thus now we are stuck as a nation and have hit the wall when we arrive at NDP. Who is to blame? Politicians as drivers of this ship will have to account since they are tasked with these responsibilities and end up with Presidents pushing capitalist agendas even though they know that these are anti-poor policies such as E-Tolls. Who is the beneficiary of these plans? Is it people or politicians who are in bed with the business and labor or union leaders something that Lilian Ngoyi would not have approved if she was still alive. Do we have such mothers today in the ANCWL? This structure should have been disbanded with the ANCYL since they are the custodians of our youth who they now call Ben10s.

In Abuh Dhabi for example, we have a system that is aimed at promoting one goal at a time, investment by government into tourism. The King in that country has realized that oil will not be a lifetime resource available to the people. He then decided to invest in tourism and this system has worked for the people in that at least every year every citizen is able to go for holiday and get benefits from their dole. It has been a good practice in that we can learn from this system if we would want to achieve, what our King has done to us, the challenges we face today, "Uhlohlesakhe the return".

If we will not allow that philosophers should be rulers and assist in ensuring that rules and regulations are implemented in this game, we will move around the circle. If not so, criminals will be rulers and will be in control of service delivery projects and people will have to bribe their way to survive. People will have to pay e-tolls all their way to get fresh air and survival. Women would want to have a taste of the Ben10s, teachers will want to taste their pupils, learners will beat up teachers, securities will beat up women for petty crimes in shops. Leadership will enrich themselves and build palaces instead of building houses for the electorate. The business will park their ship, cars, planes anywhere they want, while the future will want to know the meaning of government. What is politics?

What is government really? Asked the 5year old son, we are in this situation of finding out what the meaning of government around the world. In Egypt the government of the people by the people was toppled by the forces of democracy. Syria might be saved by those who led the world to go to war, change for the better to revive status quo while those who wanted war shutdown....

Iraq, Afghan, Libya will continue fight for power while those benefiting from this mess will be gallivanting and having a joy. ICC will continue persecuting those accused of human rights violations while the George Bush and Tony Blair will be partying and having fun without any justice taking place..... Where are we going as members of the global village? Religion will be used in killing innocent people as we just witnessed in Kenya while those who support arms will be in business as usual.

Will there be any accountability by those elected to lead us? Are those deployed into business able to come back into Townships and mentor young people to become CEO and MDs. Has the leadership managed to identify those who manage to get tutelage from Mandela, Sisulu, or Tambo? How many Motsepes, Ramaphosas, Rampheles, are created by these leaders that we must be proud of as a nation?

How long will it take everyone to realize that we are being fooled and taken for a ride by these greedy politicians who will manipulate everything for their selfish means in order to stay in power. What is the report at hand from departments, what have they been doing in the past 20 years that we should be celebrating? Some might not be able to answer since they were chopped and replaced, moved from one office to the other and that not even a single one can state what was done in improving and creating a better life for all.

As we move towards the last days of 19years on our constitutional democracy, we must acknowledge a lot of good work that was done as stated above. However we must be asking whether this is what was projected by our fore bearers when they envisaged non-racial society and a democratic nation that we see today? Do we have a nonracial society in which you would complete a government form without stating your race? Is there any social cohesion that unites all of us more than dividing us in celebrating the 20 year of our freedom from oppression or are we still in chains? Moral decay seem to control the day to day activity of life, and we end up blaming young people to be losing respect while we were the ones who taught them how to sing.

No more promises now, we only see a bleak future that the youth will blame this generation. When the truth comes out, those who have been protecting bad and evil will be judged and this will not change wrong to right. 2 plus 2 is 4 no matter how people will try to justify that 22 mean 2 and 2 is 22. Why is it that case for those who transgress the rules of the game must apply to go to jail? The entire system has lost the confidence of those law abiding citizens who will not understand what this constitutions mean? Do we really have a judicial system that is incompetent in holding politicians accountable? Is there any conspiracy against those entrusted to serve citizens?

Do we have proper institutions in place that are helping in the shaping of this constitutional democracy that was created when we celebrated that we are free. When you have a sitting President who is the chairperson of an NGO, I must give him a call (as Project Findafinda Chairperson and Executive Director) sometime so as we can look at the challenges faced by this sector and how we can easily access R900 million as well. We might as well look at why we have such a high rate of unemployment while there are programs that can address this challenge.

We have a sitting President who might be a President in default if more than 788 charges that are still pending and that must be answered to the court of law. The people would want to forget about Nkandlagate, Guptagate, Marikana, Spytapes but we are unable because there is no progress report on the table from the custodian of our rule of law, Number 1. The loss of confidence to ANC has denied those leaders who might have been leaders because nothing wrong is seen by those within the ANC today. The ANC Today is proud to have less than 2 million members while Chiefs and Pirates have more than 20 million supporters. Even those who have been sympathizers with ANC mission have turned their backs and have lost interest in partaking part in the politics of South Africa and Africa.

If the spy tapes led him to be the President of this country, why then is there a delay in answering the nation and NPA on these charges? We just hope Mr Mkotedi Mpshe is having a good time and might come on board in answering to some of these concerns that the nation seeks answers for. Is this the kind of leadership that I must be proud of and defend as I did when we had to accept that though it was inhuman, people had to be touched by necklace? What has changed from the type of UDF leaders who would question the conduct of leadership on religion? Must the nation really have to wait for Jesus to come and save us as society from all these social ills that we face if we have laws that all must adhere to but are transgressed by some without any justice done?

This administration has led this country to go back 17 years in that the RDP policy could have been accomplished and that we would be moving to Gear or Asgisa. The NDP is a good policy as envisaged by DA drafters if South Africa was a developed policy. However we still have plans that will not be implemented because of those unskilled leaders who are unable to understand what these policies are. It’s a scenario of a one eyed man leading blind people to some big dark bleak future. If we have municipalities who will keep on outsourcing security and cleaning services to companies of comrades and think that we will resolve unemployment, we are fooling ourselves. Every five years when there is a new Mayor, a lot of people will be unemployed if their companies did not get the tender. New securities and cleaners will be employed by those companies who have lost the tender, 2+2 will remain 4.

We just hope that the honorary pastor will come to his senses and allow the rule of law to apply. As for the cheer ladies, it would be appropriate to accept that they have failed the role played by Molly Blackburn, Lilian Ngoyi, Mama Sisulu, Mama Bertha Gxowa, Mama Tambo or Mama Winnie Mandela. When this league is disbanded, it would be time for those women who still believe in the morals and ethics of Ubuntu principle to come on board and assist in rebuilding what has been destroyed by the current ANC leadership. But which political system will take over once ANC is dissolved? Will EFF or Agang take over the responsibility that was given to ANC by the electorate?

I do not think so, and it means that there is a vacuum on the leadership in South Africa. Not all will 18 political parties have shown the credentials needed in tackling the challenges that we face as a nation. We are still a racial based nation and that blacks are in a majority. If any of those liberation political parties could have used the space and unite to form one unit, people might have considered to vote for them. This patriotic front could now be working on strategies on how the constitution should be revived, how the mistakes done by ANC could be rectified. But it has seem that all political parties are under the same spell led by those ambitious leaders only interested in gaining power and are not willing to take a stand. While business is busy messing the working class, the people are watching and the Labor Part will soon follow to join the chorus.

When looking at George Owel's book of Animal Farm, as members of society we should not be allowing all these transgressions to continue. Maybe 'Snowball is always right, and Napoleon should not be questioned or Mr. Jones will be called to come back and look after the farm'. Are we living and witnessing what Chinua Achebe was warning Nigerians about in the 1970s when he wrote his book about "The troubles with Nigeria". Is ANC promoting "Cargo Cult" mentality when it moves towards the 2014 NPE? Promises will be made again and it is becoming rhetoric to ordinary citizens who do not understand what is going on. If we were to give ANC the firth chance despite its failures, which four Provinces would be allocated to its constituency? Why would one give ANC chance again? Why must we give a Minister of Intelligence a second chance whose wife is in jail for drug trafficking? Why must our youth be blamed for drug abuse while those we elect are busy cursing those who object to their modus operandi?

Since the opposition political leaders are also not willing to learn from all the mistakes at their disposal, why must the electorate support stomach politics in feeding those who will keep making the same mistakes and not change their attitude in the welfare of the communities they serve. What has led politicians to be so unpatriotic about the bread and butter issues of their responsibilities? Is ANC manipulating the electoral system by ensuring that some of the opposition parties are deployed to fight the battles of the ANC but sitting in the opposition side? Is ANC really pushing the agenda of DA when it suits them as in NDP and E-Toll?

Is it the right time to disband the ANC since it no longer serve the mandates of its founding principles and values. Is ANC prepared to die with Nelson Mandela because of the mistakes it made from its Polokwane Conference? Did the Political Education of ANC help it or destroyed the doctrines of Umrhabuliswano in the decisions that is failing the nation and the moral fiber that we now see in all aspects of our daily lives. I am also praying that Jesus must not come back to save us from the honorary pastor, the people will just have to unseat ANC from this gravy train, and give others a chance. But who will take this nation to the freedom that we deserve if most of these politicians are swimming from the same pond?

What is the response of those siting in key leaderships positions when they are asked by their children about the shower cap in the President of the country as portrayed by Zapiro. Do these Ministers try to answer the question of a child wishing to be a President one day or do they just distort or fabricate their answer to suit the audience. I was unable to respond to this question when I was asked by my son a year ago, I am unable to answer this question today because I would not want to give him an impression that will haunt me in the later years. Since he loves these cartoons, I have made sure that I keep him abreast with the latest development about the shower drama. One of the promise I made recently is that I will take him to the movie "Number 1" to be released soon. As a nation we have accepted this shower cap syndrome to continue for long and it will haunt us when we would claim that the future is full of waste (izikhothane).

I just have to watch the movie "Jesus comes back" and later look at how it is linked to the movie called "Number 1". It must be researched if Jesus was some Skothane at some stage when His story is told. If you read the Holly Book you will note that at the age of 12, He had to beat up older people (with shambok) who were busy playing at His father's House (Temple). It is when people started selling and open markets in churches or houses of worship. His story is not told until He was between 25 and 33 years. Some of the research informs me that He had to go back home, in Pakistan to visit His mother then. It might be during this time that He was Skhothane between Pakistan and India, and then it might be true that He was Indian or Pakistan and not White as told by western civilization.

If Islam agrees that He was a prophet, then why did the Jews not accept that He is the Messiah? How can He be the Son and Father at the same time? In this movie Number 1 is tasked to make a spiritual research as to the link between Skhothane and the second coming of Jesus in KZN. It is going to be a good movie in that it will try to answer some of the questions of Religious Ideology and democracy in the Kingdom of Nkandla. In the search of the rule of law, people will have to choose if they will join the broad church of pastor Number 1 or they will be cursed. Baptismal of fire and water will be central to this journey that the followers of this church and how the Ben10s will be converted into becoming Skhothanes, just relax and wait for the release of the blockbuster movie early next year. The pastor is back in town, everyone is asked to repent or the curse is coming to deal with the Ben10s.

These political challenges will be the test of time in the battle of the soul of South Africa. Those in leadership will have to take the opportunity of being responsible for their action.


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